I Am Feeling Deflated At Not Meeting My Goals
I Am Feeling Deflated At Not Meeting My Goals
We come into the end of the year, and what a year it has been. Something that a lot of people have been troubled by and find a lot of resistance with is their planning.
So at the end of 2019. A lot of people had these big plans that they had for their business and their life, and set out in order to make those plans a reality. And 2020 hit with a pandemic and recession, and something that we just had no experience of navigating.
We had to figure it out
And that has been exhausting for many people. It’s meant that a lot of people are feeling very deflated at the end of the year because maybe they haven’t achieved their goals. Maybe they have stayed still in the same position as last year or maybe actually their revenue or their customer base is reduced because of 2020. And they’re feeling a bit in a panic and a bit deflated and a bit anxious and just burnt out from trying to figure this thing out.
So, a lot of people saying, What do I do? I’m deflated I’m exhausted! What’s the point in planning for 2021, because the pandemic is still ongoing. Is this going to be another thing where I’m going to plan, and it’s not going to happen?
So, I want to say you need a plan, and I get it, I get your plan has not gone according to plan for 2020
But that doesn’t mean that 2021 should be washed out, and you should hold back. Because, although a lot of businesses have struggled throughout 2020, and lots of businesses have really thrived. So, it shouldn’t be a case that feeling your business just cannot succeed because it absolutely can.
You just might need to make some tweaks so you might need to change things up
But with the pandemic ongoing, it’s really, really important to make sure that we are changing. And we’re evolving, we are putting our business in the best possible position, in order to really push forward in achieving what we’re setting out to achieve. But we can only do that when we are planning. And when we are reviewing what has happened and how we’re going to put that right.
So making sure that we are planning is going to be paramount for 2021. Maybe saying but I’ve tried to plan and it hasn’t worked, and I get it. But actually, we are in a better position now than what we were earlier on in 2020. Because earlier in 2020 when the pandemic hit first we had no idea. We didn’t know what to expect. It took every single person out of their comfort zone and out of their routine.
And we have had to adapt as people
So, now, we are actually in a better position because we can kind of foresee what’s going to happen. If we are getting more spikes we know how another lockdown is going to go. We need to make sure that we are putting some flexibility in there with our planning. Making sure that you are planning is going to support you and your business in 2021 and further within the future.
But making sure that you don’t just feel that it’s deflated, and 2021 is a washout
Do check out some other blog posts of mine because I am going to be talking about six steps, I’m going to be taking in order to make sure that I can scale my business next year with ease. So do check that out because there are some really helpful points in there that I think will help you. And they are relevant for every single business owner. But really the main point here is to just be kind to yourself, if you’re feeling deflated, take a step back. You need to be in the best possible place for yourself with your self-care and making sure that you’re being kind to yourself, in order to be able to plan for success in 2021.
So I hope that’s helped if you are thinking I Am Feeling Deflated At Not Meeting My Goals
And as I say a lot of people are feeling like this so if you are one of those people and you just fit in a bit. Then get in touch. It’s great to hear from every one of you, and we’re all here to support every single person, and I think that’s been one of the best things that have come out, 2020 is the real community spirit that people are there for each other, and that’s definitely been one of my highlights of 2020.
I Am Feeling Deflated At Not Meeting My Goals
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